The Boao Metaverse Cultural Tourism Ecological Conference was successfully held in Boao today
来源: | 作者:WMA | 发布时间: 2022-07-31 | 544 次浏览 | 分享到:

The Boao Metaverse Cultural Tourism Ecological Conference was successfully held in Boao today. The conference was hosted by WMA World Metaverse Development Alliance, Great Wall Commune, VOV Metaverse, BIZBRAIN, Tianyi Space , Haikou Blockchain Association, Jingli Art Platform, Co-hosted by Tianyi Space and Sanyi Art, co-organized by Metaverse Maker Center, Youdun Token Trading Platform, Langya Community, Yi Universe, and Digital Firm.

Li Deshi , President of Haikou Blockchain Association, delivered a welcome speech at the venue , Wang Jiancheng, the founding president of WMA World Blockchain Alliance and WMA World Metaverse Development Alliance , delivered a speech at the Metaverse venue, and Vice President of Blockchain Branch of China Association of Small and Medium Enterprises Li Mengen, secretary-general and founder of the Great Wall Commune, delivered a speech on behalf of the sponsor. Han Feng, the Chinese partner of Oracle Education Foundation , sent a congratulatory message via video . More than 300 industry professionals participated in the event, and the live broadcast of Metaverse attracted more than 590,000 viewers.

Zhao Yongliang , Deputy Secretary - General of the China Circulation Industry Management Political Research Association and Director of the Digital Reform Special Committee ; Wang Dashan , an expert consultant of the Shield Token Trading Platform, Liu Nan , President of Youdun Token Trading Platform, Xi Guangao, Operation Manager of Jingli Art Platform , Li Zhenwei, Operation Director of Koi Alliance , and Artyom Tsaturyan of Hubble Metaverse (Hainan) Technology Co., Ltd. " Blockspace Empowers Entity Enterprises ", " Digital Collection 2.0 Empowers Entities ", " Tibetan Cat Digital Collection Trading E-commerce Platform " , " Metaverse Empowers Real Economy ", " Youdun Token Trading Platform ", " Keynote speeches on how digital collections empower entities to achieve greater value ", " digital virtual humans create positive energy in the digital collection industry ", " value creation in the Metaverse, and commercial applications in the virtual world " . The wonderful and passionate sharing of dry goods by the speakers made the audience gain a lot, and further understand and understand the Metaverse.


The World Metaverse Development Alliance made a press release on " How to Innovate and Entrepreneurship in the Metaverse Era ", announcing the official launch of " How to Innovate and Entrepreneurship in the Metaverse Era " and other metaverse education global tour series activities. The purpose of the event is to cultivate urgently needed metaverse talents for the society.

Tang Shiyun presided over the " Metaverse Innovation and Development Forum ", Liu Hongwei, CEO of Guangdong Yuanverse Cloud Data Technology, Huang Haode, Guiguzi Investment, Chairman of Yuanmingtang Digital Technology, Wang Dashan, expert consultant of Youdun Token Trading Platform, Tianyi Space COO, Digital Standard Li Boda, consultant of the laboratory, and Liu Nan, president of Youdun Token Trading Platform, shared their views on the development of the Metaverse at the forum. The forum guests had a heated discussion, allowing the guests to further grasp the development trend of the Metaverse through discussion and sharing.

The conference held the Metaverse NFT Innovation Competition Award Ceremony, and the organizer of the competition grandly presented awards to the winning organizations . Zhao Yongliang, Deputy Secretary-General of the China , President of the Haikou Blockchain Association, Li Mengen, Deputy Secretary-General of the Blockchain Branch of the China Association of Small and Medium Enterprises, and the founder of the Great Wall Commune Other leaders presented awards to the winning institutions.

The conference held a cooperation signing ceremony, and institutions such as Zhouzi Space, Youdun Data Collection, Zhilian Yuanyu, Universe NFR , Tianyi Space , Yuanjiu Commune , Nuostar Agriculture , Guangzhou Xiankou Cosmetics , and Kuyu Xiangli Organic Planting Base participated activities and signed several strategic cooperation agreements.

Copyright 2022 World Metaverse Development Alliance Wechat:MetaWMA

Add:Room 1003, 10/F, Tower 1, Lippo Centre, 89 Queensway, Admiralty, Hong Kong.
